Long-Term Disability
Long-term disability claims can fall under one of two categories, group or individual long-term disability insurance coverage. The Minnesota attorneys at Nolan, Thompson, Leighton & Tataryn, PLC understand the complexities of both types of coverage and we handle all of your long-term disability needs.
Group disability insurance is usually offered to a group of employees at a specific employer. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) governs group disability insurance coverage and follows much different legalities than individual long-term disability insurance coverage. Our firm offers the insight and guidance you and your family deserve whether you are facing ERISA guidelines or a different set of guidelines defined in your individual policy.
There are a few long-term group disability policies that are offered through venues other than employers. If you are self-employed or work for a very small company that does not offer a group benefit, you can often join an organization or form a group with similar companies to purchase a long-term disability policy.
Determination Of Whether You Have A Group Or Individual Coverage
One of the basic services that Nolan, Thompson, Leighton & Tataryn, PLC offers to its clients is the determination of which type of long-term disability insurance you possess. While it can be confusing, especially if you have both types of coverage, this determination will guide the direction of your claim. Our firm has the expertise to establish the footing you need to receive the full benefits you deserve. The Minnesota attorneys at Nolan, Thompson, Leighton & Tataryn, PLC can work with multiple insurance carriers and develop the most comprehensive claim for you and your family.
If you face the difficulties that a long-term disability incurs, it is imperative for you to have the best legal representation on your side. Contact Nolan, Thompson, Leighton & Tataryn, PLC today online or by calling 952-373-8617 to schedule a free consultation in Minneapolis.